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case study

Pre-purchase Survey of 45 m motor yacht.

About project

Detailed condition survey of a 499 GT, Steel hull and Aluminium superstructure motor yacht.

Condition survey afloat, inventory check, testing and sea trials in presence of the buyers and their representatives including presentation of findings at closing stage.

Length overall:
46.55 m
TYG S.p.A. – Italy
More info

The survey was carried out over a period of 3 days by two NAS surveyors and consisted in a detailed condition and inventory survey afloat, sea trials including lube oil and coolant sampling, out of water hull inspection and testing of the yacht’s ancillary craft. In all such projects we take careful consideration of the contractual terms and rights of the buyer and seller stemming from the typical MYBA contract to ensure the required professional feedback is issued within the respective time frames.

A gap report listing the required actions towards eventual certification as charter yacht by the prospective owners was also produced at this stage. The client was provided with a preliminary list of findings as the survey progressed with the final report being issued soon after.